Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tips on Testing

Tips on Testing

Tips N Tricks on Testing

•Know what output to expect
•Focus on boundaries
•Range input, a to b, test with a, b, a-1, b+1 (if integer range, otherwise, slightly less than a and slightly more than b)
•Set of input values, test with min of set, max of set, min of set - 1, and max of set + 1
•For output values, push the boundaries as in two previous models

•Check for Initialization errors
•Test simplest and most commonly executed parts first
•Check array bounds to know if the system does it or not
•Check for Pop up & Msg Boxes to know if the production code removes testing parts
•Test output should include input to aid in reproducibility

•Vary your test cases
•Test on multiple machines, compilers, operating systems
•All tests should be traceable to customer requirements

•Check for defensive Programming
•Use assertions
•Check for Pre & Post conditions in functions
•Check error returns
•Check Array initializations
•Check if Conditions
•Entry and Exit conditions in Loops

TIPS on Automation

•Avoid introducing automation on projects that are already behind schedule
•Build extra time into the schedule
•Recorded automated tests shouldn’t be developed until you have a relatively stable UI for modules of the application
•Generally Test automation increases as the project evolves

•Think of automation as a baseline test suite to be used in conjunction with manual testing, rather than as a replacement for it
•Assure that the product is mature enough so that maintenance costs from constantly changing tests don't overwhelm any benefits provided
•To make it a good investment, as well, the secret is to think about testing first and automation second
•Automation is a development project”
•“Test automation must be implemented as a full-time
•Humans can spot bugs that automation ignores
•More so because humans are good at making mistakes
•With “Automation” , we now have another added software development effort
•No immediate payback from automation
•No automatic defect reporting without human analysis

Reference Books

Art of Software Testing – Glenford J. Myers
Testing Computer Software – Cem Kaner
Software Testing in the Real World – Edward Kit
Effective methods for Software testing – William E. Perry
Software Engineering -A Practitioner’s Approach – Roger S. Pressman
Software Testing Techniques – Boris Beizer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good informartion on testing..
Thanks dude..